Webinar: Unlock Your Call Centre

If your call centre security process relies on questions anyone can answer and passwords no one can remember, then it isn’t truly secure — and your customers deserve better. 

Join Matt Smallman to launch his new book “Unlock Your Call Centre” in a live webinar (Thursday, March 31). He’ll be talking with Dan Miller, founder of Opus Research, about the impact of traditional security and his proven approach to upgrade security, efficiency and caller experience. 

Topics include:

  • How traditional call centre security approaches hurt your customer and agent experience as well as your bottom line
  • How to understand and visualise how your processes perform today
  • How to determine the most appropriate modern security methods, including Voice Biometrics and Network Authentication, for your organisation’s unique context
  • How to successfully make a case for change
  • How to implement these methods for maximum adoption and benefit

Matt’s book brings together more than a decade of experience improving the security processes of some of the world’s most customer-centric brands in a step by step approach to improving your call centre security experience.

Register for the webinar (March 31) above or directly at BrightTalk.

Can’t wait? – You can get a FREE sample chapter and learn more at: https://www.unlockyourcallcentre.com

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication

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