Opus Research Report: “2021 Conversational Intelligence Intelliview”

Culling insights, action items, and other triggers from the conversations between companies and their customers or prospects have taken on heightened importance during the pandemic-driven lock-down. Leveraging NLP and AI-infused analytics to capture and analyze customer conversations is what Opus Research calls “Conversational Intelligence.”

Customer experience, contact center, revenue officers, and Digital Transformation professionals are recognizing Conversational Intelligence (CI) as a fundamental business asset. Successful CI initiatives promote collaboration, accelerate sales, enhance employee productivity and job satisfaction, enable agent training, improve chatbots and intelligent assistants, and provide a defined competitive advantage.

In this report, Opus Research evaluates the products, services, positioning and potential of eleven firms that show leadership in helping enterprises surface insights from first-party data and make the most of Conversational Intelligence.

Click Here to View the Report Summary

For more information on becoming an Opus Research client or to purchase the report, please contact Pete Headrick (pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com, +1-415-904-7666).

Categories: Featured Research, Reports, Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles