Webinar: “New Truths about Self-Service – Enabling Conversational Intelligence”

To address the challenges of customer care, many organizations are turning to automation to deliver better customer experiences and employee efficiencies. Treating all conversations as “Conversational Intelligence” allows businesses to maximize self-service and support digital transformation goals.

In this on-demand video discussion, learn how Sestek is applying the “3 A’s” — automate, authenticate, analyze — to leverage conversational data in an AI-powered orchestration platform for real-world business benefits.

Prof. Levent Arslan, Founder & CEO of Sestek, joins Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, and Derek Top, research director, outlining the benefits of the 3 A’s and grounding these assumptions in detailed case studies from Kuveyt Turk, ING, and Webhelp documenting the cost savings and measurable business outcomes.

Watch the on-demand video above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication