Opus Research Report: “Start your Contact Center AI Strategy with the IVR”

Upgrades to traditional interactive voice response (IVR) systems are enabling conversational intelligent assistants to recognize the intents of callers based on natural language input and respond with accurate answers, recommendations or actions.

Until recently, only the largest brands in the world boldly incorporated these intelligent assistants into everyday conversations with customers. But now cloud-based approaches brings these sophisticated capabilities within the reach of almost any business.

In this whitepaper, Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, uncovers how IVRs, the workhorse of automated self-service, can be the cornerstone of your company’s Conversational AI strategy, and how one such solution provider, Voximplant, enables an affordable, AI-infused contact center strategy.

To view and download this free Opus Research report, please complete the brief contact form below.

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Categories: Advisories, Conversational Intelligence, White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles