Webinar: “The New Authentication Ecosystem: A Primer”

Mobile, “voice-first” and omnichannel commerce requires a rapid way to establish secure and trusted links between companies and their customers. Opus Research calls this Intelligent Authentication or IAuth. The term describes technologies that support rapid, friction-free and continuous methods to authenticate customers and detect fraud. 
In a live video chat (Tuesday, October 20, 1pm ET), join Opus Research’s Dan Miller, Lead Analyst, Matt Smallman, Director of SymNex Consulting, and Shawn Edmunds, CRO with LumenVox. They’ll provide research findings and insights from the recently published “2020 Intelligent Authentication and Fraud Prevention Intelliview: Solutions for Emerging Security Threats and CX Challenges”, specifically:

  • How technology providers and their customers have evolved to overcome long-standing barriers to adoption.
  • Ways that financial services, healthcare, retail and communications integrate multifactor, risk-aware, continuous authentication into conversations with customers.
  • What decision criteria should be used when evaluating solution providers, their products and services.

Register for this live video chat above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles