Introducing Native Process Automation: The Foundation of Practical Workflow Management

Many businesses are betting on the use of predictive analytics, natural language processing and “AI” to make customer care agents more efficient and provide their customers with higher levels of satisfaction. But enterprise efforts to infuse IT and customer care infrastructure with AI have largely failed on the promise to deliver “digital transformation.”

Introducing Native Process Automation (NPA), which goes by many names including workflows, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), journey management, orchestration and many more.

Whereas machine learning models and neural networks that power AI tools are totally opaque black boxes obscured from the enterprises that use them, NPAs are clear, simple, and easy to understand.

This approach has been developed and put into practice by cloud-based contact center specialist, Thrio. In a new report, Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, delves into how Native Process Automation has the potential to deliver the key benefits that enterprises expect from Conversational AI.

To view and download this free Opus Research report, please complete the brief contact form below.

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