Verizon Now Offers Pindrop’s Anti-Fraud Services to Cloud Contact Center Customers

Pindrop’s efforts to bring its combination of voice biometrics and multiple authentication factors to the cloud-based contact center world has a powerful ally. Verizon Enterprise Solutions now offers new authentication and anti-fraud protection that employ both authentication and anti-fraud solutions from Pindrop. It is offered as a service to protect customers of its inbound VoIP contact center services.

Verizon calls the service a “first” because it is a unique combination of the telco’s VoIP-based infrastructure and Pindrop’s broad suite of continuous fraud detection. Collectively, they have the ability to fork a single leg of a call to multiple destinations on-the-fly. That means that Pindrop’s passive technologies for speaker authentication and verification can be used to detect possible fraudsters without interrupting a self-service call or a conversation with an agent.

Offering Fraud Prevention as a Service has a great value proposition. It can be deployed quickly and without the need for additional on-premises equipment. Plus, as Pindrop CEO and cofounder Vijay Balasubramaniyan likes to point out, it gives Verizon’s customers the ability to “identify a person’s voice, device and behavior” as part of their continuous authentication and fraud prevention strategies.

Categories: Intelligent Authentication