Opus Research Report: “Conversational Voice Response: Bringing the Best Tech Forward”

Now that artificial intelligence is a religion and we all worship at the altar of Big Data and analytics, it is heresy to mention that the foundations for conversational, cognitive interactions between brands and their customers often reside in the switch closet (or cloud) that houses your Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems.

Architecturally, today’s IVR could not be better positioned to meet enterprise challenges in customer interactions. The IVR is a combination of triage specialist and concierge, programmed to engage in conversation immediately, understand natural language input, extract the purpose of the call, and determine how to resolve the issue.

Enterprises cannot and should not just walk away from their IVRs. Augmenting basic IVRs with the latest technologies creates a new category of self-service platform: Conversational Voice Response (CVR). Taking a CVR approach enables them to weave their best aspects and attributes into omnichannel conversations.

In this white paper, Dan Miller, Lead Analyst & Founder, Opus Research, outlines how CVRs answer meet today’s business challenges posed by high volumes of voice-based conversations utilizing data and resources in real-time to deliver time-tested, successful interactions.

Please fill out the form below to receive a free copy of this whitepaper. For more information, please contact: Peter Headrick, pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com, +1-415-904-7666

Opus Research Report: "Conversational Voice Response: Bringing the Best Tech Forward"

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