Opus Research Report: “Foundations of Conversational Marketing”

Conversational Marketing messaging bots engage prospects and customers in conversations that make them the source of the most recent and accurate indicators of their intents, preferences and instructions. Leveraging this new approach to consumer engagement, brands can gain competitive advantage and increased customer lifetime value from the ongoing customer relationship-building these bots can provide.

In this comprehensive report, Opus Research provides a common framework and accepted terminology for brands and marketers to use as they evaluate their deployment options for Conversational Marketing technologies in order to build conversational channels with their prospects and customers. While the processes embrace Natural Language Understanding, Content Management and several flavors of Artificial Intelligence, solutions providers take pains to make implementation considerations as non-technical as possible

Opus Research’s report “Foundations of Conversational Marketing: Engaging Prospects and Customers Through Messaging Bots” describes the features and functions supported by Conversational Marketing platforms and toolkits and includes a detailed assessment of solution providers that have taken leadership positions in this domain.

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For more information on becoming an Opus Research client or receiving the report, please contact Pete Headrick (pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com).

Categories: Featured Research, Advisories, Reports, Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles, Mobile + Location