Opus Research Report: “Executive Survey: Drivers for Deploying Speech Analytics (2017 Edition)”

In the second year of a global tracking study, Opus Research presents findings from a survey of 500 business decision-makers to understand their perspectives in evaluating and deploying Speech Analytics platforms and services.

This study, commissioned by Uniphore, documents critical datapoints in the perceived value of Speech Analytics and its impact on contact center operations, compliance and regulation, workforce optimization, customer experience and delivering a return on investment.

Key findings include:

  • Analytics are well-accepted and deployed
  • Solutions involve significant investment
  • Return on Investment justifies future growth with 30% of all respondents seeing an ROI within 6 months
  • “Compliance” has assumed primacy as a driver for deploying speech analytics
  • Real-time capabilities remain very important

Please fill out the form below to receive a free copy of this report, and for more information:
Peter Headrick, pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com, +1-415-904-7666

Opus Research Report: "Executive Survey: Drivers for Deploying Speech Analytics (2017 Edition)"

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