Enterprise Chatbots: Winning Hearts, Minds and Loyalty in the Digital Age

The digital planets have aligned and enterprise chatbots are on the roadmap for virtually every medium-to-large business or brand. Enterprise chatbots can serve as the natural way for individuals to receive highly personalized support over digital channels.

Chatbots, or intelligent assistants, can overcome traditional silos and forge long-standing, conversational relationships with customers. They are evolving in ways that have a profound effect on digital commerce and the future of customer care and marketing.

In this report, Opus Research explores the expanding roles of chatbots as they evolve from assistants to advisors and achieve ubiquity across enterprises. Topics explored:

  • How will this impact your business and what should you factor into your chatbot strategy?
  • Moving beyond Facebook Messenger: what are the new roles of evolving intelligent assistants?
  • What steps must be taken to deploy an enterprise chatbot and what metrics should be used to build a return on investment?

Please fill out the form below to receive a free copy of this whitepaper, and for more information:
Peter Headrick, pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com, +1-415-904-7666

Enterprise Chatbots: Winning Hearts, Minds and Loyalty in the Digital Age

Categories: Featured Research, Advisories, Reports, Conversational Intelligence, White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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