Webinar: “Executive Survey on Speech Analytics – Proven Value and Future Potential”

In a recent survey commissioned by Uniphore, Opus Research asked 500 influential executives in the contact center and customer experience domain about the perceived value of Speech Analytics and to ascertain the impact on plans to procure and deploy such resources in the future.

With completed interviews of decision-makers (Director, VP, C-level) from firms with revenue of more than U.S. $50 million, the survey respondents included a mix of vertical industries, including: telecommunications, healthcare, financial services, retail, pharmaceuticals, travel & tourism, and commercial banking.

On Wednesday, August 24th (11 a.m. EDT | 8 a.m. PDT), join Dan Miller, lead analyst & founder at Opus Research, Derek Top, director of research with Opus Research, and Umesh Sachdev, CEO and Co-founder of Uniphore, as they unveil the key findings from this on speech analytics:

  • Implementation of speech analytics is poised for growth: New, real-time applications create better customer experience
  • Findings attest to maturity of technologies, applications and options: Support of multi-channel support strategies
  • Mix of premises, cloud and “hybrid” architectures
  • Respondents see a bright future: Most expect to increase spending and investment & finding means to build a business case

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 — 8:00 a.m. PDT / 11:00 a.m. EDT

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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