Opus Research Welcomes Amy Stapleton to our Intelligent Assistants Team

amystapletonFor the past couple of years, as Opus Research built an ontology and market landscape surrounding Intelligent Assistants, we’ve benefited from the wisdom, analysis and regular posts from Amy Stapleton, originator of the Virtual Agent Chat blog. Today, I’m pleased to announce that Amy is joining the Opus Research team as an analyst for our Intelligent Assistants research group.

Until now, Amy investigated and reported on trends and developments in the use of IA technologies for web self-service, intelligent assistance, mobile personal assistants, service avatars, and chatbots. Her knowledge is first-hand, detailed and borders on encyclopedic. She also benefit from a perspective honed over many years as a highly-pragmatic IT professional, balancing out my own tendencies toward high-level, Big Picture approaches to markets and opportunities. I look forward to working with Amy and Derek Top as we bring depth to our coverage of Intelligent Assistants and Conversational Commerce, especially as we prepare for the upcoming conferences in London.

Categories: Intelligent Assistants

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