Executive Interview: BioTrust’s Patrick Dekker Shows Enthusiasm for Intelligent Authentication

BioTrust_smallA new company called BioTrust was announced today. It is the result of a merger between VoiceTrust, long-time provider of voice-based and multifactor authentication solutions, and USoft, an enterprise software specialist with over 25 years experience in business process management, content management, digital asset management and system integration.

Patrick Dekker, a technology entrepreneur with over 15 years in the business, serves as the CEO of the new company and, in an exclusive interview with Opus Research, he shared his vision for the company and its products and his enthusiasm surrounding the growing need for solutions intelligent authentication solutions.

Dekker notes that the combined company is “an equal merger” that, by mid-2016, will operate as “one company, one name, one platform.

“VoiceTrust had the guts to invest in biometrics when nobody else was,” Dekker explained, adding that “they now have 85 patents.”

“Biometrics are an instance, not the goal,” Dekker correctly asserts. BioTrust is poised to leverage an installed base of customers in the financial, travel/airports, healthcare, government and education markets by offering a platform and suite of software that combines strong, multifactor authentication with a mature set of enterprise software that spans business process management (BPM), Knowledge Management (KM) and system integration (SI).

With its eyes trained on global opportunities for integrated solutions for e-government/pension payments  (proof-of-life), travel/airports, e-learning, healthcare, Dekker likes his prospects. “What we are seeing is that different vendors offer an API of there solution. They don’t know how to make this part of the customer experience. USoft has 25 years of providing those solutions and knows how to integrate.”

In its press release, the company notes that it is already one of the largest providers of biometric-based authentication, with over 1.5 million employees putting its technology to use, primarily for password reset.

“The platform is modularly built. We will use best of both worlds: rules engines, process engines combined with biometrics to create the next combined platform.” Yet he also notes that the modular approach is very partner friendly. “I’d be happy not to use USoft but to use OpenText or PegaSystems to address a specific market or specific customers. We’ve also done global partnerships with leading system integrators like IBM and we’ve already had great success in several instances.”

As Dekker sums it up: “If you’re not able to share, you’re not able to multiply.”  Other potential partners in providing integrated solutions include content management systems providers like SiteCore and Tridion.

“To have really smart biometrics, you need a good rules engine under it, because you don’t react the same way each time,” he notes. “That will be especially important in in the new world with Natural Language.”

The merger should lay to rest general concern about VoiceTrust’s longevity and staying power. As Dekker explains, “VoiceTrust – now BioTrust – is here and here to stay. It changed direction by deciding not to go IPO too soon… and by focusing not just authentication, but a full, multimodal, biometric solution.

With eyes on the present and the future, Dekker observes, “Together we can support such things as e-payments, e-border control, e-voting and other applications designed for our generation and based on privacy. More importantly our children already know that it is important to protect the information in the cloud.”

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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