Webcast: Text: The Silent Channel for Digital Marketing and Customer Care

Nordstrom-textThe Intelligent Assistance Revolution may not be televised, but it will definitely be shared by hundreds of millions of people across messaging platforms that have one thing in common: text-based input and output. I’m looking forward to a great webcast (Thursday, August 13th, 10am PT / 1pm ET) that features Tobias Goebel, Director of Emerging Technologies at Aspect Software. I’ll start with facts, figures and trends that illustrate how and why text-based messaging apps including phone company provided SMS, Twitter, WhatsApp (Facebook), WeChat and others have caught on as vehicles for comparison shopping, product selection and all manner of digital commerce.

Tobias will provide descriptions and specifics for real-world deployments and use cases that span travel & hospitality, retailing, roadside assistance, public transportation and all manner of digital commerce. In addition to basic growth drivers, we’ll discuss the factors that enterprise decisionmakers must take into account when planning or deploying text-based Intelligent Assistance, including consistency across channels; the ROI of using over-the-top platforms as opposed to carrier-provided SMS; and leveraging existing contact center infrastructure.

Register below or click here to reserve your place at the webcast (Thursday, August 13th, 10am PT / 1pm ET). It will be a lively, interactive session and your questions will be welcome.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Webcasts, Articles

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