SpeechPro’s VoiceKey Featured in Aspect’s Inaugural Innovation Exchange

Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 1.18.11 PMIn a development that moves voice-based authentication closer to the mainstream in customer care environments, SpeechPro has announced that VoiceKey, its flagship voice biometric-based authentication resource is offered at the click of a mouse on Aspect Software’s Innovation Exchange. This represents a coup for both companies. Aspect’s Innovation Exchange is a major component of the company’s foray into highly agile, cloud-based development of customer care applications.

VoiceKey achieved front-page status as a “Featured App” on the Innovation Exchange, giving the product, and voice authentication in general, tremendous curb appeal for the developer community. The listing means that VoiceKey has been fully integrated and proven to be compliant with the Aspect’s Prophecy Platform (as documented here) . It is also offered in a way that any Aspect customer that is already operating on the Prophecy platform can just “activate” VoiceKey and be up and running.

At an “Analyst Summit” convened by Aspect Last week, CMO Jim Freeze explained how the Innovation Exchange is a major part of the newly retooled Aspect.com Web site. It is a showcase for custom apps – both internally developed and from partners – that support mobile-first, cloud-based customer care. It is gratifying to see that voice-based authentication is regarded as leading-edge as “Proactive Mobile” (which turns leverages SMS-based notifications into an interactive mobile session), “InQueue Self-Service” (which enables customers to try self-service while waiting to talk to an agent) and Linguasys (text analytics with semantic understanding), among roughly two-dozen initial offerings.


Categories: Intelligent Authentication

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