Sensory Unveils Multi-Modal Biometric Authentication for Mobile Devices

In the ongoing effort to get beyond passwords as a base form of authentication, speech processing company Sensory has developed a combined face and voice biometric authentication mechanism for mobile devices.

The technology suite, called TrulySecure, is devised to allow secure access and authorization without requiring users to touch devices to make them work.

Given the widespread use of smartphones and tablets, the multi-modal biometric technology is built upon the company’s flagship brand TrulyHandsfree which enables secure device activation by single “wake-up” words or simply to carry out an order.

The addition of face recognition with speaker verification to authenticate a specific individual “provides a high level of security, while still being convenient and fast enough that people will use it,” says Todd Moser, CEO of Sensory in the statement.

By utilizing the existing microphone and camera available on most smartphones and tablets, there is no additional hardware costs, says Sensory, and at the same time improves accuracy authentication with the multi-modal approach.

Here’s a look at Sensory’s TrulySecure product:

SpeechPro has also developed a multi-modal product, combining both voice and facial recognition.

Like SpeechPro, TrulySecure also includes a liveness testing feature in order to prevent hackers from beating the system with photos.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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