Debut Conference To Tackle Opportunities for “Siri-like” Intelligent Assistants for Mobile and Enterprise Activities

125x125_IA_2014Intelligent Assistants Conference 2014 will showcase real-world efforts to improve mobile customer experience, self-service efficiency, Web-based chat effectiveness and conversational commerce

San Francisco’s historic Palace Hotel will be the venue for a one-day event (Intelligent Assistants Conference, September 16, 2014) presenting applications, opportunities and challenges associated with offering human-like automated self-service.

Organized and produced by Opus Research, this first-of its-kind event will showcase efforts to improve mobile customer experience, self-service efficiency, Web-based chat effectiveness and conversational commerce by investing in solutions that put Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Analytics resources into practice in the real world.

“Interest in Intelligent Assistants is growing fast,” explained Dan Miller, founder and senior analyst at Opus Research and IAC conference chair. “Siri is seven years old and it’s been three years since IBM’s Watson defeated the champions on Jeopardy. Big Blue is poised to spend in excess of $2 billion on ‘cognitive computing’ to take on Google, Apple, Samsung, Intel and dozens of other solutions providers.”

At IAC 2014, presenters and panelists will discuss:

  • New Opportunities: Whether it’s called Cognitive Computing, Perceptual Computing, Conversational Commerce or some other variant, find out how Intelligent Assistants (IAs) figure into mobile devices and enterprise IT infrastructure strategies.
  • Competitive Landscape: Giants like IBM, Apple, Google, Intel, Nuance, Samsung and Amazon are joined by feisty innovators like Expect Labs, IntelliResponse, NextIT, Artificial Solutions, Linguasys, Inbenta and dozens of others.
  • Real-World Implementations: Case study presentations in a variety of verticals as well as horizontal apps like mobile assistants and branded, enterprise ‘bots.
  • Operational Decisions: Should IAs operate “in the background” like GoogleNow or sport a persona like Siri? What is the balance between human-assistance and automated assistance?

Sponsors for Intelligent Assistant Conference 2014 include Nuance, Interactions and Linguasys.

To learn more about event speaking and sponsoring opportunities, please contact Pete Headrick (, 415-904-7666) or click here.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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