Aquisition of UserEvents Is Part of Predictable Transformation at LiveOps

Observing that it has seen 55% growth in its core platform revenue over the past two years, Redwood City-based LiveOps is undergoing some fundamental, though predictable, changes. Flush with , the company is formally separating its cloud-based contact center platform from its outsourced agent services business. The two businesses, called LiveOps Cloud Platform, LLC and LiveOps Agent Services LLC, will be run as wholly owned subsidiaries of LiveOps, Inc. and CEO Marty Beard will be Chairman of the Board.

LiveOps also announced the for an undisclosed sum. UserEvents offers CxEngage, a cloud-based platform that supports real time aggregation and detection of customer comments over the web, email, text and social networks. The platform can provide additional context to agents or automated systems by augmenting these “events” with information from databases created by other enterprise applications, such as CRM software or call management systems. UserEvents was already following a consumption pricing model for its services with prices ranging from approximately $2,000 per month (for up to 25,000 “active journeys”)  to roughly $4,000 per month (for 250,000 “active journeys”).

LiveOps has its longest legacy in the agent services business – now supporting a reported something like 20,000 work-at-home agents for about 250 clients. But the acquisition signals a heavier investment in additional functionality for the contact center platform. More than three years ago, it to enable its agents to communicate with their customers’ customers over text and Twitter, in addition to email. That acquisition demonstrated how seriously LiveOps was taking multi-channel (or omnichannel) customer care, as well as early recognition of the value of bringing real-time analytics into the multi-channel routing equation.

The results speak for themselves. Chairman Marty Beard told at the Silicon Valley Business Journal that, in addition to the supernormal growth rate for platform sales, the company has revenues “well north of $100 million” and that it is profitable.

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