Genesys Stratefies its Platform Strategy into Three Tiers

GenesyspackagingGenesys Labs has leaped ahead with its efforts to assimilate recent acquisitions by presenting three sets of options to its wide variety of customers and prospects. It has organized a set of contact center capabilities into three distinct “editions.” Each is a version of the Genesys Customer Experience Platform (CXP) but each is tailored to specific sizes of contact center implementations.

Recall that, thanks to its acquisition of and Soundbite, Genesys already had a formidable set of routing and voice processing features and functions that have traditionally been marketed to companies with 250 seats or less. Add the analytic and workforce optimization (WFO) chops of Utopy, and you get an idea of what’s baked into Genesys Premier Edition.

This is the mix of inbound/outbound multi-channel routing and related services targeting medium-sized enterprises. The routing is core Genesys. “Proactive” notification/surveys had both been available from Angel and Soundbite, but now run on GVP, the Genesys Voice Portal, which is also the technology underlying Interactive Voice Response applications and services. Business Intelligence and Analytics are the mainstays of Utopy, a platform that supports workforce optimization (WFO), quality management (QM), as well as Speech and Text Analytics that ultimately enable such cool capabilities as sentiment detection, agent training, gender detection and isolating best practices.

Next “up the ladder” in the Genesys platform packaging is the “Business Edition.” This is for companies with more than  250 but fewer than 1,000 seats. For this “sweet spot” in the marketplace Genesys offers identical capabilities as Premier, but adds support of mobile marketing , applications and customer service, a strength of Soundbite. With mobile comes “Local Connect” as well. Finally the Business Edition packages Workforce management (WFM) features that are in line with the expressed needs of larger contact centers. Where Premiere is “cloud-only,” Business Edition services are offered in the cloud or on -premises – including instances that run on a new appliance – or self-contained server which requires very little configuration – measured in time and professional services costs. The appliance comes in two sizes. A version that is designed for 100 seats and one that can support 100-300 seats. They can be grouped to serve up to 1,000 users. Out of the box they are pre-configured as virtual machines supporting SIP and 3rd party session border controllers as well as VoIP headsets. “It’s all about simplification” in terms of procurement, set-up and implementation.

For firms that have embraced the cloud but have compelling reasons to keep customer data or other elements of a Genesys-based solution inside their firewall, there is a hybrid version of the Business Edition. The same holds true for the high-end Enterprise Edition. This is where the acquisition of EchoPass, which closed on November 14th, comes into play. Echopass is one of the largest hosted contact center service providers in the world and has more than a decade providing services built on Genesys infrastructure to large corporations. For the high-end  implementers  that mix of functions expands to include more robust support of “cross-channel” transfers and escalation, routing to remote agents and knowledge workers and deeprer integration with back-office IT systems. Of course, at  this level Genesys is also prepared to offer professional services as required for customization and integration.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Articles, Mobile + Location

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