Webcast: “The Defining Moments Series: Personal Virtual Assistants”


This is a “Defining Moment” for the PVA (Personal Virtual Assistant). More than two years have passed since Apple introduced us to Siri and raised expectations for mobile phones and other computing platforms to be able to recognize, understand and react to our spoken input. Siri’s success, as well as its perceived deficiencies has attracted a slew of competitors, imitators and alternatives. This begs several questions:

  • What does the term “Virtual Assistant” mean?
  • What problems to Virtual Assistants solve?
  • Are they mobile, by definition, or are the prospects better for “branded” virtual assistants offered by business enterprises?
  • What tasks can we reasonably expect them to carry out for us today… and in the future?
  • What business models support PVAs? Do revenues come from transaction support? (Cost-savings for automating customer care, phone-based marketing, etc.)

Join us for an unrehearsed, spontaneous discussion that includes:

  • Norman Winarsky – Siri Co-Founder & VP, SRI Ventures
  • Phil Gray – Executive Vice President, Interactions Corporation
  • Dan Miller – Senior Analyst and Founder, Opus Research
  • Greg Sterling – Program Director, Internet2Go, Opus Research

Live Webcast: The Defining Moments Series: Personal Virtual Assistants

July 31, 2013 — 1:30 p.m. EST / 10:30 a.m. PST
Sign Up Below to join the Webcast

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