Genesys Proactive Engagement Debuts at G-Force Conference: In Use by 17 Early Adopters

Genesys_logoIn response to demand for contact center resources that integrate well with e-commerce Web sites, Genesys Labs formally introduced a new product called Proactive Engagement at its G-Force customer care forum in Boca Raton. The product is an amalgam (or recombination) of proven components of existing Genesys software, including Genesys Composer, Genesys Administrator, Genesys Statistics Server and Conversation Manager, along with deep integration to the core Genesys routing engine to make sure that conversations are delivered to the best agent in a timely manner, or what Genesys refers to as “The Moment of Truth” (MoT).

Proactive Engagement is able to recognize the Moment of Truth by monitoring an individual customer’s past activity on the company’s e-commerce Web site, including page views, the entry of text into a dialogue boxes, mouse overs and the like. These events are incorporated into a unified customer record, where they could also be merged with records in the CRM database, as well as other metadata, as part of separate integration activities. The focus of Proactive Engagement is to make sure the initial chat session and subsequent call routing is informed by past customer activity, as well as the availability of the best agent for the task.

As an example, an electronics retailer will be aware that a customer has visited the online showroom to click on the description of a few HD TVs. He may even have loaded one or more into a shopping cart, which may have been abandoned. The next time the customer visits the company Web site, Genesys Proactive Engagement can display an invitation to chat with an agent who is prepared to answer specific questions and help make a purchase decision. If no agent is available, other methods to contact the customer can be invoked, including email or other marketing initiatives.

The software to support Web monitoring, notifications and interconnection with Genesys routing and other back-end processors is licensed as a single platform for a one-time fee. Other elements, such as the plug ins for the Interaction Workspace (Genesys’ agent desktop) and links to the chat server and statistical reporting are licensed on a “per seat” basis. The company reports that 17 customers have already  joined its “early adopters” program and are proving the value of using Proactive Engagement to increase revenue opportunities and provide better one-to-one service once a customer is connected to a live agent via chat or over the phone.

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