Join Us at Swissotel for Voice Biometrics Conference Singapore-2012

Singapore will be the epicenter for voice biometrics activity in the Asia Pacific region when Opus Research convenes Voice Biometrics Conference-Singapore on November 7-8, 2012. Speakers and attendees will be executives from commercial banks, government agencies, mobile carriers and technology companies from around the globe. Join us at the Swissotel Merchant Court for two days of informative sessions, case studies, networking opportunities and “reality checks” designed to insure that you and your company are up-to-speed with the latest technologies for multifactor authentication, impostor identification, fraud detection and risk reduction through contact centers and mobile e-commerce channels.

The program is packed with sessions and speakers that will provide attendees with updates on the latest implementations in contact centers and over mobile networks and insights based on experience implementing real world solutions. This year, we’ll also be holding a pre-conference “clinic” to provide basic background knowledge regarding the core technologies and key application areas (password reset, caller authentication, imposter detection, speaker change detection, mobile payment authorization and the like), as well as the top considerations that enterprise decision makers should take into account while defining requirements, identifying prospective vendors, designing a “proof-of-concept” and preparing the entire enterprise for voice biometrics-based applications and services.

Confirmed sponsors include Nuance, Avaya, NICE Systems, Agnitio, VoiceSecure and Interlink. Speakers come from major financial institutions, security software specialists, system integrators, solution providers and their customers.

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