Upcoming Webcast: Survey Says “Fix Caller Authentication!”

In a recent survey by Opus Research and Coleman Parkes, 85% of callers felt dissatisfaction with the automated systems for handling caller authentication during their customer care calls. This is a serious matter because 83% of calls to enterprise contact centers required some sort of caller verification in order to carry out their instructions.

Failure to authenticate is both a barrier to customer satisfaction and an expense to contact center operators.

Join Dan Miller, Sr. Analyst at Opus Research, and Brett Beranek, Solutions Marketing Manager at Nuance, as they delve into the survey data to describe the root cause of caller discontent and propose new methods to overcome authentication speed bumps.

Live Webcast: Caller Authentication: Gateway to Better Customer Care Experience

Wednesday, August 01, 2012 — 2 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. PST
Sign Up Below to join the Webcast

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