By Popular Demand: A Paid Version of Google’s Translate API

Now that they got our attention by announcing the “deprecation” of the Translate API, Google is doing something of an about face today as Product Manager Adam Feldman posted the following update to his original blog post:

UPDATE June 3: In the days since we announced the deprecation of the Translate API, we’ve seen the passion and interest expressed by so many of you, through comments here (believe me, we read every one of them) and elsewhere. I’m happy to share that we’re working hard to address your concerns, and will be releasing an updated plan to offer a paid version of the Translate API. Please stay tuned; we’ll post a full update as soon as possible.

Google, which already offers metered use of other popular API’s has established that there is great interest in its Translate API and will announce pricing and Terms and Conditions in due course. In the mean time, the folks at Microsoft would like to point out that the Bing Translation API is still available to developers for free.

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