Taking the C3 Story to Sugarcon 2011

I’ll be joining Doc Searls and Connect.me’s Drummond Reed at Sugarcon 2011, the fifth annual get-together for customers and partners of SugarCRM. Doc will set the stage with a keynote is “CRM and VRM: Towards an Inclusive Data Strategy for Individuals and Businesses.” Drummond and I will join Doc and SugarCRM CEO Larry Augustin to discuss the inevitable melding of megadata lodged within today’s CRM systems with the constant streams of activity data, photos, check-ins, purchases and so on that individuals generate in the course of their every day lives.

CRM platform providers are ready to incorporate more personal “metadata” with their “megadata.” They’ve added more tools for analysis and reporting to support their sales, marketing, workforce optimization and product development efforts. Our mission is to keep customers in the equation. At Sugarcon, we see an opportunity to connect the dots between the data that’s under the control of CRM systems and the business rules of the large marketing firms and newly emerging systems, protocols and policies that will put individuals in control of the terms and conditions under which their personal information, data, preferences and the like can be shared or used by others, including the companies with whom they are carrying out business.

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