We Have a Winner! Mobile Voice Biometric Application Award Goes to HELEX

Voice Biometrics 2010-Amsterdam marked many “firsts” for the community of solutions providers who incorporate voice biometric engines into every day applications and services. My personal favorite was when VoiceVault’s Lee Cottle and I announced the winner of the 2011 Mobile Voice Biometric Challenge on the second day of the event and Lee delivered the $1,000 in prize money to Hesam Yavari, founder and CEO of HELEX Ltd, part of the BrightCloudGroup.

During Day One, Lee laid the foundation by announcing four finalists for the contest, including a mobile service from Hold Free Systems, Logica and BludPlanetApps. BioProximity is an app that runs on a range of platforms including Android. The HELEX application, called BioProximity, runs on Android-based phones and provided a method for providing strong authentication of people logging into a location-aware, mobile collaboration platform. It was chosen because, it is an application that judges believe incorporates voice biometrics as a critical component to user authentication in a way that immediate commercial potential while, at the same time, lays the foundation for broader applications and deployment scenarios in the future.

Both Opus Research and VoiceVault see this sort of challenge as a highly visible means to promote awareness of voice biometrics among mobile application developers. We anticipate holding similar promotions in the future.

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