Voxeo Acquires Another Cloud-based Speech Service Provider

Referring to it as “the tenth acquisition in four years” Voxeo adds NetXentry to its roster of cloud-based voice and telephony service providers. The new addition, based in Philadelphia, was founded in 2000 by 75-year old computer science professor Noah Prywes, a visionary who, very early in the game, perceived that a hosted approach to voice processing and call processing could make automated customer care affordable to small and medium sized businesses.

Following Prywes’ vision, NetXentury launched its flagship product, WebForPhone, in 2001 with the anticipation that people would find it more natural to use their voices to interact with Web sites than to keep pounding away at terminals. Nine years on, WebForPhone been successful at building a roster of speech enabled services for its targeted business demographic in a multiplicity of vertical industries. Its Web site (now dubbed “A Service of Voxeo Corporation) has pre-coded apps for ticket vendors and sports teams, healthcare providers, financial service providers and fund managers, and retailers. All of the customers have engaged WebForPhone to “duplicate” their Web sites while adding voice.

In NetXentry, Voxeo has acquired a company with both an established product line and customer base and a “set of technical people with deep knowledge in delivering speech solutions,” per John Amein Voxeo’s senior vice president of mergers and acquisitions. To that end, Voxeo will be deploying NetXentry personnel to do tech support in the greater Philadelphia area.

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