Smartphone Providers Seek Mobile “Mo”

Call it a “well-duh!” moment, but a series of posts by Greg Sterling on the Internet2Go site reflect that solutions providers are accelerating the pace at which they bring their technologies to market. Sales figures for smartphones read like the leader board at the British Open. The familiar names are all there, but the order changes slightly as individual firms gain or lose the elusive Mobile “Mo” (momentum).

Apple’s like the Tiger of old, with leadership that all others are chasing. Android OEMs and ODMs are the long-ball hitters that impress with their majesty off the tee but suffer from a poor short game (thanks to the fragmented nature of the OS and lack of an single, well integrated distribution platform-like iTunes). Then you get the regional, fan favorites: RiM, Motorola, Nokia: each with a following based more on nostalgia or inertia these days.

As with the British Open, we’re early in the first round. With the holiday buying season a quarter away, we’re bound to see some very entertaining action.

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