Programmable Web Shows How NYTimes Uses API’s

It may be a bit too “Inside Baseball”, but I can’t resist pointing to this post by Adam DuVander from Alcatel-Lucent’s latest acquisition, Programmable Web. What impresses me most about the post is the “open” approach exhibited by “The Gray Lady” as its staff aggregates a dynamic admixture of info, applications, widgets and gadgets.

The old joke was that, while the publication’s slogan was “All the News That’s Fit to Print”, the print version was constrained to “All the News that Fits.” It escaped those constraints more than 20 years ago by offering renditions of its information, resources and archives through various online channels and at a broad variety of price points. Today, the Web site is highly dynamic. Judicious support of multiple, open API’s make it a dynamic platform for advertising, as well as user-controlled services.

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