Webcast: Recombinant Communications: Extending Care to Anywhere Customers

Extending Care to Anywhere Customers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 — 1 p.m. EDT / 10 a.m. PDT
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The proliferation of smartphones, e-commerce Web sites and social networks has cultivated a new generation of highly connected “anywhere customers” who are taking command of “how, when and why” they are interacting with their selected vendors and service providers.

In this webcast, Dan Miller with Opus Research and Zor Gorelov, CEO with SpeechCycle, will showcase:

  • Changing patterns in self-service and assisted service as customers take command
  • Strategies for customer care architectures that leverage internal resources and provide consistently good experiences
  • Best practices for enriching the customer experience across multiple media and modalities
  • New forms of customer dialogs that blend automated speech, visual components, live agents and text as appropriate.

Attendees of the webcast will receive a free white paper (“Reaching the Anywhere Customer”) published by Opus Research detailing the new roles for contact centers in customer interactions.

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