VoxBone Saw a Doubling in VoIP Traffic on its Network in 2009

voxboneVoIP carrier VoxBone issued this press release today that validates our view that a growing number of businesses are building their communications solutions on IP-telephony backbones with well-defined API’s. VoxBone reports a doubling in traffic on its network (to 1.5 billion minutes) and 60% increase in revenues over last year. Much of the growth can be attribute the overall move of corporate communications from switched services to IP.

VoxBone’s special ingredient and differentiator is its ability to assign “iNums”, based on the +883 country code assigned by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as an “international number. Since introducing them in November 2008, VoxBone has assigned 18 million iNum numbers. When it launched the service, it noted that it was teaming with Iotum, Jajah, Mobivox, Gizmo5, Ribbit, Truphone, Rebtel, Voipbuster and Voipuser. You’ll note that Jajah, Gizmo5 and Ribbit have since been acquired by Telefonica, Google and BT respectively.

The trends shaping the Recombinant Communications ecosystem are taking shape. Increased call volumes and revenues are in the model. So is continued industry consolidation as companies themselves become building blocks in the ultimate solution stack.

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