Comverse HUB Landing a Number of New Carrier Contracts

comverse-logoIn a “flash from the past” moment, I noticed that long-time voice processing platform provider Comverse Technologies has been winning a number of new contracts that put its Voice HUB platform deeply into the wireless service delivery infrastructure. Recently, as noted here, France Telecom’s Orange Cameroon subsidiary selected the Comverse HUB to replace an existing voice mail and voice services platform. The new Comverse system adds “visual voice mail” to Orange Cameroon’s enhanced services roster. In this case it refers to a service that uses MMS or email to inform a subscriber that a voicemail message awaits and allows them to click on a link to hear the message.

Comverse highlights a service called “Who Called” which, it claims, provides a mechanism for the carrier to “monetize previously lost revenue.” In this case, the platform uses MMS or email to provide Caller ID-like information (principally the telephone number and related information) about a caller who cannot reach an subscriber for any reason (E.g. phone is off, battery is drained). This information can also be provided in instances where a caller leaves a voice message.

Another service, called “Notify Me”, uses email or MMS as an alert when a previously unreachable subscriber has completed a call or becomes available.

Comverse is arguably one of the first Recombinant Communications platform providers, having developed a multiple application platform during the dinosaur days of monolithic telcos. While the HUB had long been characterized as “modular” rather than “open”, this rendition promotes rapid deployment of new services as well, including those from third parties.

The Orange Cameroon announcement was followed by the announcement of a “win” at Cosmote Romania, where the Comverse voice HUB is deployed to support ringback tones.

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