Skype Expands Launch of SIP-based Beta to All Businesses

skype_logoIn response to demand from “nearly 10,000 companies” Skype has expanded the availability of its Skype for SIP “beta” service to all comers. Phil Wolff explains provides detail on the service in this post on Skype Journal. But the gist of the offering is that businesses of all sizes can, pay an initial fee, install a Skype Control panel and then have their existing IP-PBX’s support several flavors of Skype calls, including free Skype-to-Skype calls using the click-to-call buttons, as well as initiating “Skype-out” calls to mobile or fixed line phones anywhere in the world.

As part of the Skype for SIP open beta program, Skype has created a low introductory price for the monthly channel subscription of $6.95 per month. According to Phil Wolff’s post, the going rate for Skype Out is $0.2.1 per minute in 36 countries.

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