Twitter Lists Launch Coincides with Real Time Web Summit

Picture 9In his opening remarks, Marshall Kirkpatrick (editor of ReadWriteWeb and organizer of the first-ever Real Time Web Summit mentioned that there were no representatives from Twitter in attendance. The 225+ registered attendees came from companies large and small. Google, Yahoo, Tibco, BT/Ribbit, Plaxo, SocialText joined the likes of Thing Labs, Thoora, Mindtouch and many others to participate in sessions in a classic unconference format.

The fact that Twitter did not come to the Real Time Web Summit may be partly explained by the fact that the Real Time Web often comes directly to it. That’s certainly the conclusion one could draw from the news that emanated from the venue. On this day, Twitter itself launched its much anticipated Twitter Lists feature. While it appears to be available only to a select few Tweeters on this, its opening day, it is destined to help some of the most frequent microbloggers use their Twitter pages to promote their list of favorite postings. That’s the power of the real-time, social Web.

In addition, as Marshall reported in ReadWriteWeb, bloggers using many of the popular publishing platforms linked to Twitterfeed are going to find that their posts are blasted out to the world much more efficiently through the use of PubSubHubbub. The ReadWriteWeb post explains the implications of the new relationship better than I can, but suffice it to say that PubSubHubbub, which is developed and fostered by Google employees, makes Twitterfeed into “Feedburner for the real time Web.”

The combinations and permutations of features and functions of Real Time Web resources are manifold. But, on days like this, we get a glimpse of new services that make it easier to get fresh messages out to broad audiences and for opinion leaders to validate and build their lists of trusted sources. Twitter may not have been present at the Real Time conference, but its presence is felt everywhere.

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