Voice Biometrics Update: Authentication at the Inflection Point

Webcast On-Demand

Opus Research and Nuance Communications provide insight into the current state of the voice biometrics market now that the debate is well-beyond “whether the technology works.” In recent months, high-profile financial institutions, government agencies, health insurance underwriters, and hosted service providers have integrated voice authentication into their self-service and ID-verification infrastructures. These deployments have helped solidify voice biometrics as a field-tested technology.

Dan Miller, Senior Analyst with Opus Research, and Chuck Buffum, VP of Authentication Solutions at Nuance, will engage in a wide-ranging discussion highlighting:

  • Three primary drivers that lead to a voice biometric deployment
  • Current case studies from across the globe
  • ROI justifications and the primary metrics used to measure successful deployments

This webinar is the latest in Opus Research’s “Visionary Series” – a set of live, interactive webcasts that take a glimpse into the not-too-distant future of telephony-based services.

To receive a copy of the slide presentation from the webcast, please email Derek Top, Director of Research, Opus Research.

Dan Miller – Senior Analyst, Opus Research
Chuck Buffum – VP of Authentication Solutions, Mobile & Enterprise Division, Nuance Communications

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