Genesys “GValidates” OpenMethods RightNow Adapter

Picture 4There’s “recombinance” and then there’s “GValidated recombinance”. Today’s announcement from RightNow Technologies to the effect that there is a fully tested integration between RightNow’s On Demand Agent Desktop and the Genesys Customer Interaction Management suite is an example of the latter. The solution is made possible through the use of OpenMethods‘ RightNow Adapter™, a piece of interstitial software from Voice applications design, development and integration specialist.

Picture 3This particular integration, which uses OpenMethod’s adapter to connect RightNow and Genesys enables companies to support intelligent routing and deliver those calls to an agent desktop that includes a softphone for the voice channel along with relevant metadata, including purpose of call, open issues, transaction history, location and other contextual information. What’s more, the agent desktops display interactions across a multitude of communications channels, including Web-based, email and chat.

picture-4From risk-reduction point of view, this particular solution carriers the “GValidated” imprimatur, which indicates that Genesys Labs has put the solution through an extensive testing and certification process. In Genesys’ words, “Only applications that carry the Gvalidated logo can claim that the integration has been developed according to Genesys-approved methods and standards, designed using Genesys tools, documented through Genesys standards and methodology, and successfully tested in a lab environment.” The era of Recombinant Telephony is one in which solutions are increasingly constructed from code that is derived from a number of sources. This sort of certification gives air cover to IT department and a comfort level that it will work under the anticipated conditions, which is especially important for customer-facing tasks.

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