Nuance Mobile Starts “Tips” Program to Promote Better Mobile UX

NuanceLogoAs part of a new “Tips” program aimed to enhance the prospects for a better, multi-modal mobile user experience, Nuance Communications is addressing core pocketbook issues. Earlier campaigns to popularize the use of voice input, in conjunction with predictive texting, homed in on the safety issues associated “texting while driving.” Indeed the Nuance-led campaign went a long way to amplify efforts to raise awareness of the inherent dangers of cell-phone use in cars. It spurred the sales of Bluetooth headsets, but only made a minor budge in the needle to “truly handsfree” access to messages, content and services.

The first Tip from Nuance exhorts “carriers and OEM’s” to take a more active role in promoting easier and more intuitive access to the features, services and content for which they have already made heavy investments. The simple message is that a better user experience will lead to higher sales of mobile entertainment services. The Tip cites stats from Research & Markets showing that worldwide revenue for such services reached a little less than $24 billion in 2008 and is forecasted to nearly double in 2013.

We agree with Nuance when it observes that reaching these lofty revenue objectives will require a concerted effort among software and service providers, device OEMs, carrier marketing departments and even retail sales personnel. They are asking interested parties to get in touch through to learn how we all can cooperate by fostering an easier, more intuitive path to mobile app and service adoption.

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