Major Update for Fonolo

Fonolo stepped up its efforts to swing the self-service pendulum closer to the customer with the release of a major update of its “Deep Dialing” platform. The upgrade builds on Fonolo’s fundamental utility, which is to enable customers to view a company’s IVR menu and navigate to the precise person or resource with which they want to interact *before* initiating a telephone call.

The new service adds tools that make it easier for repeat users to store bookmarks of frequently called companies and resources, including a new tool called “Quick Tones” which, in effect, is a playback mechanism for frequently input number sequences (think of all the 17-digit account numbers that can be skipped). The new service also gives callers the power to record a call and store it as an MP3 file for later review or circulation.

Fonolo is also beefing up its direct approach to businesses. Companies can now commission Fonolo’s staff to map their IVR and make “deep dialing” available directly from a traditional or mobile Web site’s “Contact Us” page.

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