A Rim Shot For Yap: A New SDK for the Blackberry

Yap_logoYap Inc., a firm that specializes speech-enabling mobile applications, used Rim’s Wireless Enterprise Symposium (WES 2009) to release a new software development kit (SDK) and announce the launch of a formal partnership program.

It also took the opportunity to showcase services from a couple of its recent partner. One of the featured companies, SHAPE Services GmbH, specializes in mobile Instant Messaging and other social media and has integrated Yap’s dictation engine into its software platform. Another, MyCaption.com, has gone so far as to trademark the term “voice-write(tm)” to describe how Blackberry users can dictate email, memos, tasks, contact notes and calendar entries. Through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (employing RIM’s APIs) they are able to connect to their companies’ Microsoft® Exchange, IBM® Lotus® Domino® and Novell® GroupWise® servers.

Yap is a Blackberry Alliance Partner, meaning that it adheres to the protocols and standards defined by RIM to support speech-processing in the flow of third-party applications. Yap’s new SDK is available to registered members of Yap’s newly established partnership program. In a press release, the company already claims close collaboration with 4DK, AOL, ArdaCOM, GotVoice and YouMail that predates the formal release of the SDK for RIM. Detailed terms and conditions for participating in Yap’s new partnership program were not disclosed, but a spokesperson made clear that the company will generate revenue from developers and partners who deploy the technology.

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