Raytheon Integrates Loquendo Voice Security Library

It has long been clear that voice biometric-based speaker identification and verification technology providers will ride into government IT infrastructure on the coat-tails of approved vendors. As a case in point, Raytheon Company is integrating Loquendo’s Voice Security Library into Redwolf(TM), its “one-stop” suite of solutions for collection, storage and analysis of digital audio and VoIP (Voice over IP) communications.

In a press release, Loquendo explains that Raytheon chose the LVSL to shorten the time it takes to filter voluminous amounts of data “by identifying the voice(s), language(s) and gender of the speaker.”

Raytheon is one of the largest military contractors with over 73,000 employees and revenues in 2008 in excess of $23 billion.

This signals heightened activity in the speaker identification domain as military contractors seek packaged technologies from voice biometric vendors to complement their solutions set. Spanish technology provider Agnitio has had success in the forensic field for law enforcement for a number of years. In addition Lockheed Martin will be including voice biometric technologies from PerSay at a showcase called BEACON (Biometric Experimentation and Advanced Concepts) to be held on May 4.

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