Singapore Emerging as a Focal Point for Voice Biometrics

A couple of recent announcements have brought a spotlight to Singapore as an emerging hub for voice biometrics applications being deployed throughout Asia.

According to an article at Straits Times, the Singapore airport authority is considering using voiceprints as a way of authenticating travelers. Singapore passengers currently interact with thumb and iris identification devices, but voice biometrics offers the advantage of remote authentication when verifying someone’s identity compared to a database of voiceprints. Still, some skeptics wonder how the system would work to identify those passengers who don’t have a voiceprint on record.

Elsewhere, PerSay has announced a new go-to-market partner with Singapore-based INS Indriya, a technology consulting firm focused on voice applications and CRM solutions.

“The partnership with INS Indriya will provide our customers and prospects in Singapore and Asia with a local center of excellence and competence around the PerSay products,” said Ariel Freidenberg, Executive VP of Global Sales at PerSay, in a statement.

In Asia, PerSay currently names YeSpeech as a partner in providing mobile banking services in Korea and the AC Corporation is a partner at GSIS – the Philippines primary pension program who has deployed a voice biometric system to allow its more than 1.2 million members secure access to pension services over the phone.

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