iMedia Connection – December 17, 2008

According to an Opus Research study conducted in August, 60 percent of U.S. small businesses were not marketing online, but 30 percent had plans to move more marketing online over the next 12 months. Plans changed after the economy tanked, and an October study by American Express found that 52 percent of small businesses were “cutting back or delaying marketing initiatives” in light of decreased sales.

According to the same Opus Research study, nearly half of small businesses aren’t marketing online because of either a lack of budget or confusion over where to start. So while forecasts for online advertising appear good for the coming years, a major shift in the way small businesses market could be could be one major factor that limits growth.

From the article, “What’s keeping small businesses out of online?”, by Rich Cherecwich, iMedia Connection, December 17, 2008

Categories: Opus in the News