Hosted by Opus Research, IA Conference London 2017 featured leading brands and enterprises, including Dixons Carphone, Amazon, Skyscanner, T-Mobile, Google, BGl Group, HSBC and others, defining the role of intelligent assistants as ubiquitous, conversational user interfaces.
Amazon Alexa
For Brands, Past is Prologue for Alexa and Google Assistant
Enough time has passed to analyze consumer usage data and begin to draw some conclusions about the use of voice-first Intelligent Assistants.
“Voice-First” Intelligent Assistance: A Closer Look
We’re awash with evidence of activity surrounding chatbots and conversational commerce, but as John Wooden said, “Never mistake activity for achievement”.
Post-CES Thoughts on the State of Voice-based Intelligent Assistants
As more of smart devices appear in people’s homes, the need to be able to control them with voice increases, but we may be setting people up for disappointment.