Recent Posts - page 173

  • CAT ScanXIII: How CAT Can Help Katrina Victims

    As soon as President George W. Bush exhorted viewers of a nationally televised speech to call a hot line number (1-877-568-3317) for help reuniting relatives driven apart by Hurricane Katrina, the alarms started. Media-stimulated calling activity will crash the public telephone network just as surely as a Category III hurricane will breach an inadequately engineered flood wall.

  • Fundamentals of Speaker Verification and Biometric-Based Authentication

    Featured Research Classifying speech recognition and Speaker Verification as technical cousins has done nothing to further the market development for either technology. Speaker Verification is more than an enhancement to ‘Voice Self-Service’ applications. It is an extension of an organization’s… Read More ›

  • Reflections on SpeechTek 2005: The Dialectic of Speech

    We’re seeing a fundamental reconstruction of the speech community’s value proposition. A new contsruct is developing between enterprise ‘Buyers,’ looking for solutions that leverage their investment in Web-based, self-service resources and a community of ‘Vendors’ that are banding together to provide solutions atop a Services Oriented Architecture (SOA).

  • Austar Box Office Uses Speaker Verification for Video On Demand

    Australian satellite entertainment distributor AUSTAR deploys Nuance Verifier software in conjunction with ‘calling line identification’ and a unique ‘hash code’ to simplify and shorten the process of ordering movies and other televised entertainment on demand.

  • CAT ScanXI: VOX 2005 — Your Source for Sourcing CAT

    For marketing or customer care executives contemplating the use of third-parties for telephone-based services, the questions no longer involve “who, what, when and where?” but “how and how much?” The outsourced market for so-called “teleservices” now exceeds $21 billion globally. Only $900 million of that was spent on hosted speech-enabled applications. The rest, of course, required the involvement of live agents in contact centers around the world.

  • Supercomm 2005: Elevating the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

    With lower-layer issues getting resolved with heightened QoS and “carrier-grade” broadband Ethernet, the business case is getting stronger for ‘VoIP Enhanced Services.’

  • Promises, Promises: Genesys, Microsoft, Verizon

    Genesys is ready to introduce a “Global Communications Manager” running on a Microsoft “Real-Time Collaboration” platform. And both Genesys and Microsoft plan to use Verizon Business Systems as a go-to-market channel for a SIP-based version of the Genesys 7 software suite. These moves put Genesys in a precarious position.

  • Automated DA at the Crossroads: How the Web Redefines Directory Assistance

    The Directory Assistance market is just beginning to feel erosion due to the growing tide of Web-based local search offerings. Opus Research sees the need for providers to shift product development focus to the broader category of customer care, which also includes addressing the usability of the offering.

  • ScanSoft and Nuance: The Roll-up Continues

    The merger of ScanSoft and Nuance represents a positive step for the industry, extending the prospects of two industry stalwarts in the face of stepped up competition from Microsoft and IBM for share of the market for network and embedded speech.

  • CAT ScanX: The Growing Case for Conversational Authentication

    Mass theft of personal information is a near daily occurrence, sparking high-profile coverage on nightly news and in national news magazines. In one particularly noteworthy week, files disappeared from a leading public institute of higher education, a company specializing in secure transport of corporate files, one of the Big Three North American credit reporting companies and the leading aggregator of legal proceedings, public records and corporate reports.