
CAT ScanTwo: Meanwhile, In Another Part of the Enterprise

Conversational access technologies originated in two distinctly different places in business enterprises. Contact centers (nee “call centers”) comprise the first site of concentrated interaction between a firm and its customers. Yet it is the corporate Web site that is having the greatest impact in cultivating the tastes, preferences and (most importantly) expectations of end users who are trying to carry out business, engage in a conversation or simply get information from the resources within an enterprise.

CAT ScanOne: Clues to Conversational Access

“Markets are conversations.” These are among the first words in the bible of open source, “The Clue Train Manifesto,” by Doc Searls, David Weinberger and Chris Locke. My own derivative of said theorem is that “conversations are markets” — a tenant that I hold near-and-dear while establishing the foundation of the Conversational Access Technologies Program at Opus Research.

These are among the first words in the bible of open source “The Clue Train Manifesto” by Doc Searls, David Weinberger and Chris Locke. My own derivative of said theorem is that “conversations are markets”, a tenant that I hold near-and-dear while establishing the foundation of the Conversational Access Technologies Program at Opus Research.