Palm has rocked the mobile application developers world with the introduction of a new, browser-based development environment for mobile applications.
Promptu’s ShoutOut for iPhone Launches; Puts a Price on Voice-to-SMS Services
Add Promptu to the list of vendors that have finally cleared Apple’s evaluation cycle and introduced at voice-to-SMS application.
New iPhone App Leverages HTML5 Rather Than “Going Native”
NextStop leverages HTML5 and mobile Safari, rather than the ‘native iPhone’ application environment to deliver new mobile service.
Verizon Shrink Wraps Cisco Collaboration for Small/Medium Businesses
Cisco Systems is working with Verizon Business to offer small and medium sized businesses a cloud-based way to implement its suite of collaboration services.
Comverse HUB Landing a Number of New Carrier Contracts
In a “flash from the past” moment, long-time voice processing platform provider Comverse Technologies has been winning a number of new contracts that put its Voice HUB platform deeply into the incumbent telco service delivery infrastructure.
Buying SpinVox Would Be Coup for Nuance
The idea that Nuance Communications has been in talks to buy SpinVox has been making the rounds for long enough that it deserves some serious thought.
Amazon Web Services Group Introduces New Way to Buy Capacity in its Elastic Cloud 2
Cloudspace is becoming a commodity that can be bought and sold on the “spot market.” That’s more true than ever with the introduction of real time auctions for “instances” in’s Elastic Cloud 2 (EC2).
Cisco, BT Expand IP-Telephony Apps in the Cloud
As we progress into the second decade of the new millennium, we expect to see more partnerships that resemble BT’s agreement with Cisco to embed the resources that support rich phone apps into the telephony cloud. As noted here BT… Read More ›
Update: Proposed “Dot Rev” of Dragon Dictation on the iPhone Will Address Privacy Concerns
One particular aspect of Nuance Communications Dragon Dictation for the iPhone has captured the imagination of the connected public, and not necessarily in a good way. In this blog post, Nuance’s Michael Thompson addresses the concerns of a group of… Read More ›
Nuance Debuts Dragon Dictate for iPhones
Nuance Communications can once again claim a coup as its Dragon Dictation application, by our assessment, is the first voice-to-text rendering application that can support SMS texting on an iPhone. Certainly, there are a number of speech-enabled applications on Apple’s… Read More ›