Promising a report in about a year, the W3C has launched a new “Speech Incubator Group”, chaired by Voxeo’s Dan Burnett (who is also a co-chair of the VoiceXML 3.0 standards committee).
“Back To School” = More Shopping Mashups
RC (Recombinant Communications) means that it is easier than ever to piece together solutions that solve daily, real-world problems.
Parakeet: Personal Triage for Mobile Speech
The “Science and Technology” section of this week’s issue of The Economist a feature with the title: “Correct Me If I’m Wrong…”
Vlingo Checks In with New Social App for Android
Greg Sterling has tried the new Vlingo app for Android and posted his impression on the Internet2Go Blog.
In Spite of Investment in “Social CRM”, Enterprises are Still not Paying Attention
This post by Michael Maoz, a Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner, reinforces the observation that I made during the course of my “baseline” presentation at VRM+CRM 2010.
Gmail’s “Call Phone” Feature: What took so long?
By now, the millions of calls originated by people using the “Call Phone” feature in Gmail has re-established the fact that people love to make free phone calls. The question in my mind is “What took so long for Google to introduce this feature?”
Voice Actions for Android: Speechable Moments From Google Spell New Market Dynamics
Google stocked the Android App store with a set of new “Voice Actions” Applications. From a functional point of view, it is the superset of speech-enabled mobile services.
Time For Enterprise IT to Publish API’s
When Alcatel-Lucent bought Programmable Web in late June, it acquired a company that, over the years, had aggregated a dynamic and lively repository of API’s (application programming interfaces), mashups and, most importantly documentation.
Nuance Execs Note the Changes in Both User and Enterprise Expectations for Speech-Enabled Apps
While the “more than just speech” vibe pervaded throughout SpeechTEK 2010, it does not mean that speech solutions vendors have looked past their core competencies.
SpeechTEK 2010 Digest: Not Just a Speech Technology Show
The fact that impressed me most at this year’s SpeechTEK was that speech processing technologies – meaning core automated speech recognition (ASR), text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis and even my pet interest voice biometric-based speaker identification or authentication – were not front and center.