Yesterday, Lithium Technologies held the first of its “Get Real 2010” events, and I found it quite thought-provoking.
RightNow CX for Facebook: Shortcut to Social CRM
With 500 million registered users, Facebook looms as the most powerful leverage point for companies that seek to build a social graph among customers, prospects and (er) fans.
Microsoft OCS Gets Lync’d In. Speech Services and IVR Still Not Present
hose of us who found Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 to be a bit of a mouthful will be happy to note that its name, going forward, is now Microsoft Lync.
Google Has “Home Field” Advantage on the Android Home Page
Google made a major move toward streamlining access to Google Voice on Android-based devices by introducing a set of widgets for a number of Google Voice features and functions.
GM’s OnStar to Add Speech-Enabled Facebook
GM is not about to let Ford Sync (along with Microsoft) steal all the publicity (and corresponding profits) around voice control of automotive features. Later this month, it is adding several new features to its venerable OnStar service, transforming it from a vehicle tracking, diagnostics and safety feature to a speech-enabled social medium.
Voxeo’s Dan Burnett Takes Charge of a Speech Incubator Group at the W3C
Promising a report in about a year, the W3C has launched a new “Speech Incubator Group”, chaired by Voxeo’s Dan Burnett (who is also a co-chair of the VoiceXML 3.0 standards committee).
“Back To School” = More Shopping Mashups
RC (Recombinant Communications) means that it is easier than ever to piece together solutions that solve daily, real-world problems.
Parakeet: Personal Triage for Mobile Speech
The “Science and Technology” section of this week’s issue of The Economist a feature with the title: “Correct Me If I’m Wrong…”
Vlingo Checks In with New Social App for Android
Greg Sterling has tried the new Vlingo app for Android and posted his impression on the Internet2Go Blog.
In Spite of Investment in “Social CRM”, Enterprises are Still not Paying Attention
This post by Michael Maoz, a Vice President and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner, reinforces the observation that I made during the course of my “baseline” presentation at VRM+CRM 2010.