Now that they got our attention by announcing the “deprecation” of the Translate API, Google is doing something of an about face today.
No Real Answer to why Google is “Deprecating” its Translation API
Claiming “substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse,” Google has officially “deprecated” its Translate API.
Positive Signs for West Corporation’s IPO
Successful IPOs for LinkedIn and Yandex and should bolster confidence for West Corporation as it gets set to re-introduce itself to Wall Street.
SVOX Downloads Expose a Gender Gap for TTS
SVOX AG reveals interesting details about the mix of “voices” that have been downloaded from the Android marketplace to support navigation applications, ebook reading, game playing, speech-to-speech translation and other talking apps.
Square’s “Mobile Wallet” Service Sets Stage for Pay-By-Voice, Maybe.
Mobile payment startup, Square is very close to launching applications that enable people to authorize payments by using their voice over a smartphone.
Bubbly Growing Impressively as “Community Blogging” Accelerates
As LinkedIn’s IPO establishes the market value of a strong social graph, BubbleMotion is finding that “community blogging” over its voice messaging platform continues to log impressive growth.
IfByPhone Keeps Voice in the Marketing Automation Mix
Chicago-based ifbyphone continues its relentless campaign to keep the telephone and voice-based communications in the Conversational Commerce mix.
McKinsey Report Provides Only One Side of the VRM+CRM Story
The McKinsey & Company Global Institute just issued a report entitled “Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Poductivity.”
Nuance Building its Mobile Developer Community With Expansion into China
Nuance announced that its developer support program is formally expanding to China by adding Mandarin Chinese to a set of languages that already supports US and UK English, European Spanish, European French, German, Italian and Japanese for dictation and search, as well as 35 languages for text-to-speech conversion.
Voxeo’s Developers to Find the Value of “One Cent SMS”
There’s definitely a price war afoot surrounding SMS text messaging.