Opus Research Report: “How Voice Biometrics Benefits from Deep Neural Networks”

The blending of ever-increasing computing power, fueled with rich real-world big-data being processed through Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), is delivering breakthrough performance in Voice Biometrics. Contact centers, mobile devices, and a wide range of other speech-enabled conversational channels are benefiting from improved speed, accuracy, and simpler processes for both enterprises and users.

Immense improvements are expected in DNN-based voice biometrics systems, some of which have already been informally observed in pilot and production systems. In this white paper, part one of a three-part series, Ravin Sanjith, program director for Opus Research’s Intelligent Authentication practice, discusses how the infusion of Deep Neural Networks in Voice Biometrics is powering an enhanced level of Intelligent Authentication and seamless, secure customer experience.

Please fill out the form below to receive a free copy of this whitepaper, and for more information:
Peter Headrick, pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com, +1-415-904-7666

Opus Research Report: "How Voice Biometrics Benefits from Deep Neural Networks"

Categories: Featured Research, Advisories, Reports, White Papers, Articles

4 replies

  1. Where is the download link? I only see the good bad and ugly. What am I missing?

  2. Hi Ben:
    I guess the site is a bit visually confusing. The download can be done by clicking on the headline on the landing page, which delivers you to: https://opusresearch.net/2018/04/30/opus-research-report-how-voice-biometrics-benefits-from-deep-neural-networks/

  3. I also couldn’e see the link. How can i view the report?

  4. Hi Hacer. The page takes some time to refresh with the download link. I will email the report directly to you.